02 - Lovesong

music by Jannis Zotos
lyrics by Mikis Theodorakis


All my thoughts are the blooming branch
of the almond tree outside your window.
My voice speaks to you in a thousand colors
and a thousand clandestine gleams but you
remain lost, your life's dream
enlightened by a flame of bliss.

Look at the moons melting down in tears,
look at the tears gleaming like stars,
look at the stars that are nothing but
the uncounted hopes of those hearts
whose refusal of life unmasks their foreordination.

And do not wake up!
Here you will learn nothing more
than you already knew
as even the pain is targeting
the ruminative brow of live with a star,
disowns itself and turns to blitheness overnight.

(Athens, 1946)

My chest broadened to make way
for the tiny Jasmin
that you seeded to my heart that night
with your slender fingers.
I did not see you, could not recognize you
in all that darkness.

Your eyes pervade my skin
and I anticipated the tiny narcissus
that fell onto the blue and green waters.

(Athens, 1946)